Book an Appointment

Schedule an Appointment

Book online for a consultation with an experienced and fully-trained clinical
psychologist using our easy-to-use booking calendar

Clinical Psychologist:

The Perth OCD Clinic comprises a collective team of independently practising clinical psychologists. For convenience, we all update the online booking calendar with any new appointments as soon as they become available so that clients/referring doctor do not need to spend time contacting each clinician individually. Simply click on each clinical psychologist’s name in the drop down menu above to determine current availability. You can then view the profile for each clinical psychologist on the ‘About Us’ section on this website.

After an appointment is booked online you will receive a detailed automated email confirmation. The clinical psychologist will contact you within a few days to ensure they are a good fit for you. Prior to that time, please note that all initial consultations booked online for new patients are considered tentative appointments for consideration until assessed and accepted by the clinical psychologist.

If required, the provision of telehealth is possible by all clinical psychologists but needs to be discussed on an individual basis with the treating clinician as it is only able to be provided if clinically appropriate.

As we are a team of independently practicing clinical psychologists we do not have a general administration team and as such are unable to take a waiting list. Accordingly, please do not request a referral to our practice until you have secured an appointment.

We usually add approximately 6-8 new appointments per week, therefore you are welcome to check back regularly for available appointments (appointments are listed up to 60 days in advance).

Please note: as per clinic confidentiality policy, adult clients over 18 years old must book their own appointment and complete the subsequent demographic forms.

Essential information

What to Expect When You
Book an Appointment

After booking an appointment

After booking an appointment with a clinician, you will receive an email confirming the date and time of your session alongside any other essential information.

Typically, no preparation is required on the individual’s part for a clinical psychology assessment or session. However, you may find it useful to understand the general structure of exposure and response prevention (ERP) treatment in OCD.

During the initial appointment

During the initial appointment, an experienced clinical psychologist will provide you with a detailed psychological assessment to identify a personalised cycle of how your unique obsessions and compulsions occur and interact. Psychological history, personal experience of OCD, and any previous treatment is taken into careful consideration during the assessment and treatment planning.

This personalised OCD model, along with your therapeutic goals, then informs the treatment approach. Our Clinicians are specially trained to provide supportive psychological techniques to help manage the challenges and obstacles that commonly arise during the treatment process. We also provide a planning and maintenance program that allows you to maintain your therapeutic gains.

As OCD commonly occurs with other psychological issues, our clinicians often need to incorporate additional psychological treatment strategies to ensure that all areas of psychological difficulties are addressed.

When treating children and adolescents with OCD, parental involvement is an important consideration and clinicians will provide exceptional guidance on how to use effective psychological techniques to best support their family members. Likewise, family members and supporters for adult OCD sufferers can be included in the treatment process, however, due to strict confidentiality requirements this may only occur at the adult client’s direct request and consent.

The length of treatment varies from person to person depending on the nature of your OCD, however with ERP treatment, the average number of sessions is between 16-22, over a period of 6-12 months. Individual sessions typically last between 45 and 60 minutes.

Need to know

Essential Information

Obtaining a Referral

A referral is not required to attend the Perth OCD Clinic. However, if you would like to claim a Medicare rebate for your clinical psychology sessions, then a referral from a GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician is required. Please make sure that appointments are available at the clinic before asking your Doctor to send a referral.


The recommended fee set by the Australian Psychological Society is $311 for a standard 45-60 minute clinical psychology consultation. Your individual clinician will be happy to provide you with further clarification regarding their consultation fees and cancellation policies.

Clinical psychology services are exempt from Goods and Services Tax (GST).


Medicare rebates can be accessed for clinical psychology services provided under a Medicare ‘Mental Health Care Plan’. Your GP will determine whether you are eligible for this plan, which provides access to a maximum of 10 sessions per calendar year. If a referral is made by a psychiatrist or paediatrician, only a referral letter is required to apply.

The current Medicare rebate amount for a standard 45-60 minute clinical psychology consultation is $141.85. For more information on applying for Medicare rebates, please call 132 011, or visit the Human Services website

Private Health Insurance

If you have private health cover for psychology services, you may be eligible to claim rebates for clinical psychology consultations without a referral.

Rebates differ depending on your private insurance provider and level of ancillary cover, so you will need to contact your provider directly for advice on eligible rebates.

Please note that Medicare and private health insurance rebates cannot both be claimed for the same psychology consultation.

Workers’ Compensation & Motor Vehicle Injury Claims

Clinical psychology fees may be covered by Workers’ Compensation, or in the event of a road accident, a Motor Vehicle Injury Claim. Please consult with your employer or Workers’ Compensation insurer for further information. If you are eligible for a claim, you will also need to discuss this with your clinical psychologist prior to booking an appointment.

Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)

DVA holders of a white/gold card may be entitled to a rebate for clinical psychology consultations with an appropriate referral. Please consult with the Department of Veteran Affairs and/or your doctor for further advice. If you are eligible to claim a rebate, you will also need to discuss this with your clinical psychologist before booking a session.

For more information about booking an appointment at Perth OCD Clinic, please contact Dr Gayle Maloney directly at